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Feliz Post Hump day Celebration everyone!

I didn’t quite make it to Hump Day. Just becoming harder to take time out to collect my thoughts and make them intelligable for you to understand. Its like by the time I’m done with work my brain feels like durrr, bllaaahh, blargh. Kinda sad really. Lots of drool me sez.

Anyways, I’m sure you’ve noticed the new artwork. If not, here it is again (BAM!):

Its a little piece I did to adorn my Twitter page. It needed something to make it sexy and worth visiting. You understand. Btw, here’s the link for those of you who care:

More or less the same kinda nonsense you come to expect of my blog journals but in smaller single serving portions of 140 characters or less. I’m just waiting for my grrl Carla Gugino to join so we can tweet about each other’s day… talk about LOLCats… and food. You know how we roll. Oh snap, speaking of which, check out this pic of found of Miss Gugino all pinup hottie and whatnot:

Yeah, it blew my mind to! Why is it I’m the only one noticing her awesomeness???! I feel like Antonio Saliere discovering Mozart over here! Sheesh! I dedicate Hump Day to her… again. I actually ran across some really hot celebs all done up pinup style I’ll be sharing with you. So look forward to that. Just spreading all that is pinup!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Enjoying the beautiful reawakening of nature in this beautiful Spring season. And if you are in the Seattle, Washington area this weekend don’t forget to swing by the Seattle Erotic art Festival (May 1-3rd). I am honored to have been chosen to have a couple pieces hanging there at the gallery. I will also have signed prints for sale in the Shop as well. Check it out!


Don’t forget to get yourself a tastey Slurpee too!

Guilty Pleasures…

Happy Hump Day all!

I’ve been down and out the last couple weeks. Finally, caught “that bug” that has been going around… I’m sure you know which one it is cuz you were prolly sick recently as well. I thought I had dodged that bullet but shortly after Mega*Con, I noticed Spicy McHaggis was sneezing and coughing. Needless to say he’s a dirty monkey so I fell victim!

Which brings to me to the title of this blog entry. I wanna talk about 3 of my most guilty pleasures to do when I’m not working:

1. The Girls Next Door – yeah I know what ur saying…prolly the same thing you would say if you caught me reading a copy of Playboy, haha. Hey I read the articles AFTER I check out the nudity… that’s how I roll. I’ve been catching up on Season 4 & 5 of the Girls Next Door on DVD. Yes, you must watch it on DVD to watch it unsensored… blocky boobs are not good. I find the show entertaining. You can’t help but fall for the girl’s goofy antics and Hef, well, Hef is Hef! I can’t say that at 80 I could keep up with them. I tip my hat to you. I think I’m gonna miss this show when its over. I’m looking forward to seeing what the girls will do next. In fact, being and avid Travel Channel viewer… I’m looking forward to seeing Bridget’s new show!

2. World or Warcraft – yes, I have full emersed myself in the deepest depths of nerdom here. I’ve come to grips with it… and its fun and I don’t care. haha. I finally got my character up to Level 60. I’m looking forward to my epic mount and eventually getting my gnome engineering skillz up to building my dope steampunk motorcycle! As you can imagine I’ve got some ideas brewing for pinups in the future… so stay tuned for sexy elven action!

3. Booze – I am taking advantage of this cold to put the rum bottle down for a while. What? Are you really reading this? No, I think there is a typo there or something. Nope, I’m gonna push myself to living clean for a while. I’m gonna st my date to May 5th. What better day right? Its day 12 of soberdom… things are going well… but there is too much tempting beer in my fridge dammit! >_<

4. Travel Channel – next to the Food Network, this is really the only station on TV I watch. I know weird. But I lust after all exotic travel… and all the food and drinks to be had! I want to be able to hang with Anthony Bourdain or Samantha Brown someday! They have the best job in the world as far as I can tell! Its not fair really. I’m stuck having to drawing boobs and shit all day, when they are flying to all corners of the earth… eating squid on a stick and drinking all forms of unrefined alcohols. meh. Maybe I’ll start my own show dammit! Hell with you Tony! haha

One final note, Watchmen… rocked! I saw it twice so far and loved it better the second time around!! I wanna see it IMAX next before it disappears from the theaters. I’d say even Alan Moore would have to admit the visuals were pretty kickass. He won’t, but prolly after 4 or 5 Guinesses he’ll give in. Plus, my girl Carla Gugino looked smoking hot! That alone makes me wanns go back to watch it again! Go Carla! And Rorschach was freaken dead on! This is such a tough property to convert into movie… let alone capture what it had originally set out to do in the mid 80s for comics. I think most of today’s youth won’t get what Watchmen was. Definitely one of my fav graphic novels of all time! Go buy it, go watch the Watchmen!

Thank you to everyone for their St Patty’s Day comments. Alas I spent my sober and drawing. But I hope you all had a shot in my honor.

Remember kiddies, eat your vegs and have a pleasant Hump Day!

Emerald City ComicCon is in a couple weeks. I’d add a link but MySpace had blacklisted my links… they fail… pop it in your Google and check it out!

Emerald City ComicCon 2009!

Happy Hump Day everyone!

I want to thank everyone who stopped by the Amano table this weekend at the 2009 Emerald City Comic Con. I had a lot of fun, in fact, I’d say its been a long time since I’ve been to such a great show. All the artists and guests were amazing! I was fortunate enough to meet one of my fav artists at the show, Playboy cartoonist Doug Sneyd (

Doug was personalizing copies of this latest book “Unpublished” to all the fans out there. I was honored to get a Bettie Page sketch in my copy. Score!

Saturday I was pretty busy trying to get everyone’s sketches completed before the close of the show. Here’s a couple of them:

Hula girls are sexy!

Black Widow boobies galore!

Conventions are always love/hate for me. I love meeting interesting people, talented artists and tormenting the furries but just when you get in the groove of things, its over. All good things must end it seems. Or just be patient until the next show!

I’ve been pluggin away on commissions. In fact I’ll share one I just finished in time for the show this weekend:

Pale boobies.

I try to post new work when I can. Alot of the pieces I do are private tho, so no soup for you. I have also been focusing on my side project, a full color book. I’m shooting for next year to wrap it up. Its alot of work, but I’m confident that when its done it will snock your sockmonkeys off.

Speaking of sockmonkeys… Spicey stayed at home this weekend. He wasn’t happy about that. So I thought I’d make it up to him by getting him a Carla Gugino Silk Spectre doll:

Don’t let the book fool you this sockmonkey only looks at the pictures.

Well, that’s all for now. I want to dedicate this Hump Day to pinup girlie extraordinaire Miss Jeannie ( for hanging with me at the show this weekend:

Westside! Yea, totally gangsta!

Ok kiddies, that’s all for now. I’m wrapping up drawing and watching a little Ratatouille on DVD… then its bed time for this rum runner.

Peace, love and rum,

Ratatouille promised to help with next week’s update, so stay tuned!
