Author Archive

Independence Day

It’s July 5th.

…and I’m happy to report that the earth is safe and free of alien invasion.

Yeah, I wasn’t really worried. Really! Anywho, I’ve been flying under the radar as of late (stealth mode if you will). I apologize for that.

Nothing new on the homefront, been working on commission work mostly. I hope to be able to make some posts up on my DeviantArt site… so keep and eye out for that.

In other news, I’ve been spreading the word about the Sticker Contest I’m hosting. You’ll have to check out my “Contest” section for more details. The gran prize is an original Amano pinup illustration of your choice!

I also have a few 2008 calendars left at 25% off. Anyone interested can purchase one here. ^_^

Hope everyone had a great 4th and is busy taking in some well deserved R&R this long weekend.

Here to life, liberty and the persuit of fine aged rums!


Emerald City Comic Con Cometh…

Ahoy there intrawebrz! I setup a new section on the homepage with contest news/information. Check it out. You can read about the big Amano Sticker Contest currently underway. You can only win if you participate, so don’t miss out!

Oh hey, and Emerald City ComicCon is only two weeks away! Come and indulge your inner comic geekness. Swing by the Amano table to pick up your fill of pinupy goodness. They got a great lineup this year so you don’t wanna miss out!

Ok I betta git back to work. Later betches!


NYCC News and a new contest!!


Hey Intrawebbrz! Lets get the news outta the way here… I will be hitting the artist alley for the New York City Comic Con next weekend (Fri-Sun: April 18-20th). If sobriety allows it I will be doing sketches and selling all sorts of various and assorted goodies. So make sure you stop on by and check et out!Guess what? Its contest time! *insert crowd cheer recording here* I’ve decided to give away a full color pinup girl illustration to the one lucky pirate or piratess (oh yeah, I just created that too!) who shows me their pirate pride and support for teh Amano! I know what ur thinking… how da hells do I sign up? Here’s the deal:

I’m making these rum-inspiring, stylish ‘Jolly Amano’ 6″ vinyl decals available to the general public with intent to… as pirates often do… mischief and mayhem! All you have to do is slap that sticker on “something” (preferrable that you own) and snap a picture and email it in! Then we’ll hold an old fashion internet poll to choose the winner! Now I don’t think I have to point out “creativity” is a major factor in this contest. I wanna see you release your inner Amano! You have until July 4th, 2008 to make your purchase and take advantage of these limited time offer. Once all the entries are in, I will be posting more info on my homepage to let you know how to vote. ^_^The Jolly Amano stickers are only $5US (plus $1US S/H). Click the PayPal button to order today:

I’m looking forward to seeing you in New York… and all the juicy contest entries!!

