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Welcome to Version 4.0!

Welcome to the brand new look of my website!

I know its been a long time coming but I hope it was worth the wait. This the official source for all new artwork, merchandise and appearances Amano related. Hey its 2008 and what better way to start the new year but with a brand new look! I also want to hear from YOU so make sure you sign up to my blog here… I don’t want to miss any comments and or various and assorted nudie pics you may happen to post for no good reason. ^_^

I would like to give a big thank alll my rum drinking supporters (and the non-rum drinking ones as well) … there are too many to thank but I know who you all are.

The shop is taking me a little longer than I’d like to get up and running. But I will let you know as soon as it is functional. I will be looking to be selling prints, sketchbooks and calendars directly via this site.


I hope you all had an awesome Christmas and New Years celebration. And I look forward to new projects and many pinup girls to come!

Your friendly neighborhood pinup artist,



