Intrawebz, I’m back!!
This blog entry cometh direct from cold ass Miami Beach. Yeah as much as I was looking forward to the sunshine and warmth… the only warmth is coming from a bottle of rum… and strippers… and great Cuban food. Ok, I’ll shut up now.
Well Mega*Con was alot of fun this weekend. The redeye flight into Orlando on the otherhand was not! But i toughed it out. Thank you iced lattes! Glad to see some of my peeps there… as well as some new faces! Lots of really cool costumes at the show too:
Can you say Double Deuce hot redheaded Pheoniz action? Yeah!
Silk Spectre! Rawk!
Glad he didn’t bust my finger!
Drunken monkey style?
Cutest cosplay eva!
I wanted to know what one carries in a Hello Kitty purse?! Katnips?!
If Chewie is here… then whose guarding the Falcon??!
They weren’t actually Feds, I was IDing them cuz they wanted some of my liquors!
Carlye molesters Spicey! (his butt still hurts)
Spicy tries to escape but Chelsea puts him in the dreaded boob-lock!
More exciting news on the art front, a couple of my pieces were chosen for the Seattle Erotic Art Festival:
Other than that, just counting down the hours until Watchmen breaks into the theaters! I can’t wait! There will be glowing blue nekkid mens, guys in costumes, and of course Carla:
I know what ur thinking, that cop on the right is getting an eye full. Lucky bastard!
One love,