A New Generation of Pinup Girl!

Cyber Monday Sale!

Hey artmonkeys!

I wanted to let everyone know I have a Cyber Monday Sale going on! You have 24 hours to take advantage of this 30% discount of everything on my online shop!

Visit: http://amanojyaku.storenvy.com/

Use the code: PIRATETREASURE when you check out! Bam, instant savings!

Its ridiculous I know! Check it out! Tell your friends!

Amano’s Summer Sale!

Ahoy fellow art monkeys!

I know most of you are out basking in the sun’s rays and enjoying all the marvelous things summertime brings (bikinis). But I wanted to steal you attention for a moment for something a little different. A little special. For those hardcore Amano fans and perhaps new ones who have discovered my special brand of art. I call it the Amano Summer Sale!

I’ve put together two very special “starter packs” of pinup goodies for you to enjoy:

Pinup Starter Pack 01

Pinup Starter Pack 02

You will receive a series of 8.5 x 11″ prints (my last stock, shown in photo), sketchbooks and 3×5″ original pinup sketch!

All items will be signed and personally shipped safely in a plastic top holder by my very trusty sidekick Spicy the sock monkey!


All these items would have a combined value of around $80US for only $40US! Only 5 starter packs available per pack. So act now!

Two packs to choose from for those of you that prefer classy or a little more geeky flavor of pinup girl. Click here and take advantage of this limited time sale!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled summer activities…



C2E2 2014! Chitown Invasion!

Come get your pinup art on with Amano at C2E2!

Happy April pinup fans! I want to take the opportunity to let everyone attending the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo that I will be bringing the pinup revolution to Chitown! Come on by my artist alley table (Table T2) right next to Pinup Jedi Master Doug Sneyd and sharing a table with the very talented Mark Henry! We’ll be rocking out the original artwork… as much as we can with what time allows. So make sure you come by and get on the queue commission list!

So if you are like me and rely on your smart phones to find your socks… worry no further… I’ve designed a super easy way of helping all the Amano fans out there find my table on the showroom floor:

“X” never marks the spot.

That being said, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone, enjoying some fine food and drink in the beautiful city of Chicago! Its been a few years so I can’t wait!

Feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions or would like something special for me to bring to C2E2!




I hope to put together a blog post soon to share some ECCC fun! ^_^

